

It tastes like a fruits cocktail, easy to drink, now "Flavor Beer" are popular drink for Japanese women! "Mango Beer"(5th photo) is my fist pick, make you feel like you are in tropical island! Mango & Beer... I think their taste will match eachother quite well...
"Royal gloria cherry" (1st photo) and "Grisette fruits des bois"(3rd & 4th photo), they don't look like beer anymore....look at their color! wonderful pink& red...who will think that this is beer...
2nd photo is "Shonan gold beer", limited beer for summer season only. "Shonan gold "is a name of special orange made in only Shonan(kanagawa pref. in Japan). The flovor of Shonan gold is between grape fruits & orange, very unique, juisy, refreshing, but flowery...mmm must try this summer!!

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